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Learn the Psychology of Decision Making
and shorten your sales cycles significantly!

Sales Training > Mindset Selling

Do these sound familiar?

  • Customers show interest toward your concept but the negotiations often come to a halt after proposals are made
  • Sales cycles drag on way too long or the average deal/account size is too low
  • It's hard to stand out from competition and ask for a bigger price

Why Old School Sales Methods
Doesn't Work Anymore?

Traditional sales training is usually a compilation of unconnected sales techniques and "best practices" which are based on how a salesperson observes a sales process.

However, customers don't always respond to these
techniques in a way we hope they would!

The problem is almost always the fact that the customer is in a different stage in buying than the salesperson is in their sales process. In these situations the salespersons don't need more sales techniques but an understanding on how people buy. 

Selling Equals Buying

The stages of buying are always on the buyer's mind. This is why it's important to start developing sales skills by understanding what's going on in the buyer's mind! 

Mindset Selling -program covers the basic principles of this concept and teaches you to select the right strategies to go with different buying stages.


Over 15 years of Research

The decision making process in complex B2B sales has been widely studied by neuroscientists Bede Broshnan and Martin Fairn for over 15 years.

This knowledge has helped many salespersons' to stay in control of negotiation and deal in a challenging competitive situation.

A One-Page Map to Guide Action

We use a one-page map to help to observe different stages of buying. This helps you to locate the exact stage of decision making the customer is on and apply the right sales strategy on each stage. The model is also easy to integrate with your current CRM



Real Impact with Multi-Learning Environment

We understand change doesn't happen overnight. That's why we use Blnd Academy online teaching platform to make sure that the effects are permanent and new operations models stay as a part of your company's everyday routine. 


Why you should start the program today?

  • You'll learn to understand the psychological mechanisms that affect selling and buying
  • You'll learn how to observe the sales process with new and scientifically proven way - from the customer's perspective
  • You'll get concrete tools for the practical side of your job and for monitoring your own progress
  • You'll rise to a new level on Value Based Selling and significantly reduce the time needed on sealing the deals on your sales

Contact us today!


For more information: 


Pekka Sinervo

Head Coach
+358 40 830 1756